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2025 Town Calendar Winners

2025 Town Calendar winners with Mayor Olem and Councilmember LeBlanc

“A terrific Award event for the Town Calendar Compettion at Arts Herndon Yesterday. A bumper number of great photos were eneterd this year for consideration for the 2025 Calendar. The Show will be up at Arts Herndon till the end of the month.

Congratulations to all our Winners::

January     Michele Schwietz     “Snow Day”

February - Charles Mauro “Moses Winter Walk” 

March - Carla Falconi “Taste the Cookie”

April  - Alexander Burke “Springtime at Harbor House”

May - Fadrique Iglesias “Colorful Farmers Market”

June - Linda Delacourt “Classic Summer”

July - Sharon Coviak “Red, White and Blue”

August - Mike Madigan “National Night Out Fun”

September - Mercia Hobson “Double Beauty”

October - Amy Odhner “Herndon is for Cyclists”

November - Moira Cranley “Trotting around Herndon”

December - Kristen Jankowski “Magic under the Tree”

People’s  Choice     Michael Lloyd     “River’s Solstice”